Jan 21, 2012

The first time Rataraju appeared 3

TH: I suppose you certainly have had a life with happy moments, though. Let´s go there. Let´s go a bit furthuer. What kind of nice experience have you had?

TH: I´ll specify, then. You should have been able to have nice meals because you were a village head. Let´s go to a scene of a dinner with your family. You will go there when I count to three. One, two, three. Are you sitting around a table with your family? Is it a feast? What do you eat?
Risa: Corn.

TH: Do you eat it as it is?
Risa: Flour. Steaming.

TH: Do you eat it by baking it like bread? Do you have something else to eat?
Risa: Potatoes.

TH: Normal potatoes? Sweet potatoes? What kind of potatoes are they?
Risa:… potatoes.

TH: Do you have something like milk? Like butter?
Risa: No.

TH: Allright, then, let's go to the scene where your life ends. In that scene, you will best know what you have learned from your life. Well, let's go to the scene just before your death. Death is nothing to be afraid of, because it is something like a gateway to the next new life, just as a cicada sheds a skin and flies off. Then, when I count up to three, you will go to the scene right before your death. One, two, three... Where are you now?
Risa: At home. Lying down.

TH: What are you doing now? Are you sick or dying of old age?
Risa: Dying of old age.

TH: What is your age?
Risa: 78.

TH: Is there anyone around you? Is your wife there? How about your children?
Risa: My wife is here. My children are not here with me.

TH: Is there anyone in the family who is closely connected to Risa in the present life?
Risa: No.

TH: You are now going to die of age… Now, you have left your body… What have you learned from the life of the Nepalese? What kind of things have you learned?
Risa: I lived a life and...felt...a joy...of protecting...the peaceful...village...with people. If possible, I wish I could have been able to read…

TH: Oh, weren´t you able to read?
Risa: No. I wanted to study….

TH: You are now a spirit and is it correct that you are supposed to be born as Risa here next?
Risa: Yes.

TH: By now, we have seen two of your lives. From now on, you are going to go back to Risa´s body in the present life. At the time, you will surely be empowered to live an even more fulfilling life as Risa hereafter by taking advantage of the learnings you have got from these two past lives. Allright? You will certainly be able to lead a wonderful life. You will be able to endure the incurable disease, regain the courage and power to carry out your mission and live strongly. Now, I am going to count up to five slowly. When you wake up, you will feel refreshed and wake up pleasantly. And you will clearly remember everything that has happened during the hypnosis here.

<End of the first session of Rataraju>

Jan 14, 2012

The first time Rataraju appeared 2

TH: Well, let´s cool off a little bit. Let´s take a 5-minute break. You can take your time and cool off until I speak to you again. (5-minute break) Okay, let´s continue. Do you know the name of the king of Nepal of the time when you lived as the village head?
Risa: Gurka. Gurkakostares.

TH: What year is it when you are living as the village head? Can you answer by the Western calendar? Don´t you know the Western calendar?
Risa: The Western calendar?

TH: Don´t you know the Western calendar? What year is it?
Risa: 59 years old.

TH: It´s your age, right?

TH: Don´t you know what year it is? Don´t you understand what I´m asking?

Risa: I don´t understand.

TH: All right, then, it won´t work. You know the name of the king, don´t you?
Risa: Gurkha.

TH: Isn´t there any calendar at the time? At the time when you are living as a 59-year-old.
Risa: Calendar?

HT: Isn´t there any calendar in Nepal? (Risa nods). Where are you now?
Risa: In a field.

TH: Please look around. What can you see?
Risa: Swamp. …. Bugs, bugs!

TH: Are there bugs? Do they bite?
Risa: (nodding) … Leeches.

<To be continued...>

Jan 10, 2012

The first time Rataraju appeared 1

Before Risa recalled her previous life where she lived as a Nepalese man called Rataraju, she had had a session where she recalled an even earlier life as a Japanese girl named Tae (this case will be presented in detail in this blog at a later time).

At the end of the session, she was told to go back to the life just before the present life as Risa. Her response is shown below. Please note that the real phenomenon of responsive xenoglossy appears later, which will be presented later on in this blog. Unless otherwise stated, the conversation shown below was done in Japanese.
(TH = hypnotherapist)

Risa: ……Rataraju ... Rataraju ... <not Japanese>
TH: Aren´t you Japanese?

Risa: Nepal.

TH: Nepalese?

Risa: Gorku. <not Japanese>
TH: Gorkha?

Risa: Ra ... Rataraju. <not Japanese>

TH: Do you know which language it is? Do you understand what I'm saying? What you were speaking just now was not Japanese, right? Which language is it?
Risa: Nepal.

TH: Nepali? And what was it you said? Can you translate?
Risa: ... I am, Nepal, named Rataraju, head of Nallu village.

TH: Are you a man?
Risa: Yes.

TH: What is your wife´s name?
Risa: Rameli.

TH: You also have children, right? What is your oldest child´s name?
Risa: ... Adis, Kujaus. <not Japanese>

TH: Can you tell me about the happiest scene (of your life) slowly in Nepali you were speaking?
Risa: ....

TH: Can´t you speak? Please tell me about the happy scene. You know it clearly. It may become one of the evidence to prove your past life. Can you pronounce slowly?
Risa: ....

TH: Can you say "I am the head of Nallu village in Nepal" in Nepali?
Risa: Adiduda, Ili, Nallu, Adis. <not Japanese>

TH: Can you say "I have so-and-so many children, my oldest son´s name is so-and-so"?
Risa: ....

TH: You can recall clearly, because it is a life that you lived as a Nepalese and the head of the village. Can you say "I have so-and-so many children, my oldest child´s name is so-and-so, young children so-and-so and my wife so-and-so."
Risa: nn...
TH: Doesn't it come out? Okay, then, it will smoothly and clearly come up to your mind when I slowly count up to five. One, two, gradually it's getting clear. Three, it has become much clearer. Four, now you are in such a state that you can speak the language of the time fluently. Five, now you can speak. Well then, can you speak now?
Risa: nn...

TH: We make it easier, then. It´s allright with "My wife´s name is so-and-so". You can say it, right?
Risa: Adu, kadul, Natori, memoris. <not Japanese>

<To be continued...>

Jan 5, 2012

The first video recorded case of responsive xenoglossy in the world!

Have you ever heard of a case where a person suddenly begins speaking a foreign language he or she never learned in childhood or later? This phenomenon is called xenoglossy and contains two different types: recitative and responsive.

The former, recitative xenoglossy, means that a person speaks - or more accurately, recites – words and phrases in a foreign language he or she has never learned. The latter, responsive xenoglossy, means that a person is able to make conversation in a foreign language he or she has never learned.

Many of the cases of recitative xenoglossy have been proven to be false, which can be explained by different theories including that the “unlearned languages” turned out to be a piece of knowledge or memory that happened to be stored in the subconscious mind a long time ago and had been forgotten totally until the conscious mind succeeded in accessing this information by, for instance, a hypnosis session. On the contrary, it is not possible to explain responsive xenoglossy by any other theories and this is considered to be evidence that past lives (reincarnation) actually exist.

Cases of responsive xenoglossy are very rare. For a long period of time, only 4 cases had been recognized as genuine responsive xenoglossy after huge detailed investigations in the world. However, a new case, i.e. the 5th case (and the very first video recorded case in the world) appeared in Japan in 2005. This case took place while a Japanese hypnotherapist, Mr. Katsumi Inagaki, conducted hypnosis sessions (regression therapy) with a Japanese woman named Risa. Under a session, she recalled one of her past lives where she lived as a Nepalese warrior and a village head named Rataraju. Under the session, she began speaking Nepali which she had never learned in her present life. Furthermore, it turned out that she succeeded in making conversation in Nepali with a Nepalese researcher who attended a later session in order to investigate the case.

This Rataraju case was investigated carefully from different approaches by the hypnotherapist Mr. Inagaki himself and his research team consisting of several professionals in different fields.

The Rataraju case created a sensation in Japan and was shown on a well-known Japanese TV show called "Miracle Experience: Unbelievable" with Takeshi Kitano (known worldwide as a movie director) as a program presenter.

In this blog, this latest case of responsive xenoglossy, the Rataraju case, will be presented in detail and even other cases that occurred under hypnosis sessions by Mr. Katsumi Inagaki. In his regression therapy, he uses a unique method developed by himself. This new method, called SAM (“Soul Approach Method”) regression therapy, differs totally from the currently wide-spread regression therapy developed by the American hypnotherapist Dr. Brian I. Weiss.

The Rataraju case and the new regression therapy method ("SAM") are expected to offer a new dimension and a valuable insight not only into regression therapy and past-life theory but also into essential questions such as meaning of life, why human beings exist etc.